Spongebob season 9
Spongebob season 9

spongebob season 9

Much like Season 8, 9A falls under the same trap of playing everything too safe, giving us episodes with good but rather unremarkable execution like Patrick-Man, Evil Spatula and Séance Shméance. Now going back to what people say about this half-season being like HD Season 8. The only complaint I have regarding it is that sometimes it might look too bright on the eyes, but that is fixed by 9B and is only a minor negative. Overall, the HD animation was a positive change for the show, and at that point it was honestly long overdue. And special credit to Don't Look Now because that episode looks legitimately beautiful with it's night-time background art design and shading, making for an episode that atmospherically looks more dark. Episodes like Kenny The Cat and Don't Look Now look really expressive which some really well-drawn facial expressions. Something like Extreme Spots exists to show off the new animation with it's action, expressions and how great the backgrounds look as well as having a whole ton of visual gags which is something you didn't see much during the past couple of seasons. Furthermore, the background work is really good and the transition to widescreen allows for a grander scope for each setting, meaning that there can be a greater attention to detail in the backgrounds. It definitely looks less stiff than the previous season and is overall more expressive. Now before I attest to whether this is true or not, I'll first give my thoughts on the new HD animation because yeah, I think it looks nice. I have seen people say that this half-season is like Season 8 but in HD. Season 9A: Unless any of the new seasons have some funny ideas, Season 9A is basically the lowest point of the show, and and the reason why is pretty obvious. So for now, here is a scorecard on Season 9A of the show. Meanwhile, I have began binging a new show which I plan to release a scorecard on in the coming future. Seeing as I am now finally finished the post-movie era of the show as of Season 9A, I think that now would be a good time to stay away from SpongeBob, especially as the second half of Season 9 and the seconds that succeed it (also known as Season 9B) are vastly different from Season 9A, and to an extent the rest of post-movie SpongeBob. For over a year, I have continuously been watching this show, but it as been a rather slow process overall.

spongebob season 9

I am taking a bit of break from this show.

Spongebob season 9